Sunday, March 27, 2011

Our Love...It CAN Stand the Tests of Time

"Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance. Love never fails..."  [1Corinthians 13:7-8]

"A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer. Three are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken." [Ecclesiastes 4:12]

Any of us who've been married for awhile understand that the covenant that we made before God on our wedding day is the biggest commitment we've ever made. Love is wonderful, however, there are so many other factors and nuances that affect your relationship, that it truly takes a relationship with God to make it "til death do you part". After 12 1/2 years of marriage myself, God is teaching me the art of completely sacrificing self for the benefit of my marriage--IT IS NOT EASY! Here is a poem that I wrote to my husband this past Valentine's Day. Please be blessed by it and know that when God is involved (even if through the relationship and prayers of just one of the spouses) it IS POSSIBLE to weather the tides and storms of marriage...NOTHING WILL BE IMPOSSIBLE!

Our Love
I met you 18 years ago,
At first sight I didn’t know,
That God had a plan for our lives,
to be a testimony to help others thrive,
on this marital roller coaster ride.

The enemy has another plan,
He imparted it and we fell into his hands.
It happened six years ago,
The damage has festered long and slow.
Now we have to remember who’s in charge,
To give Him glory every day to enlarge,
His image in our very fragile hearts,
To ignore the fiery darts,
Sent daily to hone in on the pain,
And add to the hopeless disdain.
We can choose to make our love work,
Though not easy, it will make us fork
Over our helplessness to the One and Only above,
To demonstrate to us how to love,
In spite of our inner fears,
He can add many fruitful years,
To our legacy for our beautiful children,
And continue right now in building,
A life together that no man can put asunder,
To make everyone else wonder,
How we  performed this remarkable feat,
Overcame obstacles and beat,
the enemy in his lackluster game,
stayed together and put him to shame.
For God to get all the glory,
We must share our wonderful story,
But it must begin by making a choice,
To show “agape love” and to rejoice,
In the blessings of having a lifelong partner,
To love, to trust, to respect and to honor.

Happy Valentine’s Day, my love!

By Sheree Jones
Your “Boo-boo kitty”
February 14, 2011 

Keep God in your marriage 
for that "triple-braided cord
consisting of you, your husband & God,



Love...Laugh...Live...Life is short~ Sheree

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