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The Power of the Cross |
"I am the Living One; I was dead, and behold I am alive for ever and ever! And I hold the keys of death and Hades."
[Revelations 1:18]
[Revelations 1:18]
I am depressed...
I can't stop smoking marijuana...
I am addicted to food and end up eating more, the more I think about my problem...
I am a habitual liar...
I cannot and will not forgive him for what he did to me...
I am having an affair with my co-worker...
I boil with jealousy sometimes when others have what I do not...
I am always sick and catching something...
I cannot forgive myself for what I did...
I am afraid...
BUT WHY, Ladies??? Why are we all continuously heavy-laden with such emotional distress, illness, and acts of sins as if there is no hope, things are "said and done", and we are helpless?
Why are we not taking advantage of the freedom and reaping the benefits that was freely given to us when Christ so terribly suffered on the cross?
About 2000 years ago, God so loved us, that He decided to give His one and only, perfect and innocent son, over to brutal punishment and death, just so that we may be reconciled to Him and be free from all of these types of sin and distress. Christ willingly left His high position, and came to Earth to experience life as a human so He may truly empathize with us in all ways, and redeem us from the sins of our ancestors and the sins that we were yet to commit. Surrendering His will to God's, "... he was pierced for our rebellion, crushed for our sins. He was beaten so we could be whole. He was whipped so we could be healed." [Isaiah 53:5]
About 2000 years ago, God so loved us, that He decided to give His one and only, perfect and innocent son, over to brutal punishment and death, just so that we may be reconciled to Him and be free from all of these types of sin and distress. Christ willingly left His high position, and came to Earth to experience life as a human so He may truly empathize with us in all ways, and redeem us from the sins of our ancestors and the sins that we were yet to commit. Surrendering His will to God's, "... he was pierced for our rebellion, crushed for our sins. He was beaten so we could be whole. He was whipped so we could be healed." [Isaiah 53:5]
And with all this being true, why is it that we are we still living our lives defeated and bound by sin, when He has already freed us from what distresses or harms us, and has freed us from the captivity of sin by payment of ransom: HIS BLOOD???
"...you were redeemed from the empty way of life...with the precious blood of Christ, a lamb without blemish or defect." [1 Peter 1:18-19]
Humor me, and imagine that your parents had spent their hard earned money, and bought you the most amazing gift ever. The gift was just for you, bought with abundant love, and beautifully wrapped with bows, and ribbons, and frills. It was a gift that they'd beat the crowds for and stood in line for hours. It was a useful gift, yet one you would enjoy and bring you great happiness. Would you accept the gift and never open it? Would you perhaps even open the gift, but then close the lid and leave it in the box?...rejecting the gift your parents had so graciously and joyfully given you...OF COURSE, NOT!!!
So why do we do the same thing to Christ? Why are we rejecting the most precious gift that He gave us when He died on the cross to give us freedom? Why are we leaving His gift in the box, and not reaping the benefits and the power that it provides us with?
The "power of the cross" brings us freedom from any sin that may bind us, freedom from fear and insecurities, healing from physical and mental illness and disease, and an abundance of peace and wholeness. We have already been given the gift over 2000 years ago. He has already conquered hell and has taken hold of the keys. IT IS FINISHED...the victory is already ours!
So now it's simply time for us to finally accept His gift to us and use it! If Christ set me free from all addictions, then I AM set free...I gotta believe it and walk it out...If Christ set me free from fear, then I am anxious for nothing and will speak words of confidence and faith over myself...I am free!...
And "if the Son sets you free, you are truly free" (John 8:36), INDEED!!! GREATER is HE (the one that has resurrection power) that is IN YOU, than he that is in this world (the one enticing you to sin). We are destined to overcome and have the victory!
We've just got to accept our gift, open it, and
take it out for use!
The victory and freedom is already ours;
now it's just time for us to believe it, receive it, and walk in it in faith til' we see it!
Access the "POWER of the cross"!
Access the "POWER of the cross"!
"Who will deliver me from this body of death? Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ our Lord!" [Romans 7:24-25]
"He personally carried our sins in his body on the cross so that we can be dead to sin and live for what is right. By his wounds you are healed."
[1 Peter 2:24]
[1 Peter 2:24]
Prayer: Father God, we thank you for loving us so much and being so gracious that You would give up your own son's life to set us free. Please forgive us if we have rejected this wonderful gift from you; one that we did not deserve. Please give us the wisdom and the strength to accept your gift and take hold of the power that it possesses for our lives. Help us to realize that we no longer have to be slaves to sin and every other unrighteous thing that entangles us, because Christ has already obtained the victory for us, for once and for all. Help us to take hold of our freedom, and truly be set free. We love you and thank you, IN JESUS NAME. Amen!
Mad Luv, Y'all~ Teri
Video clip: "Power of the Cross" by Ricardo Sanchez & Free Chapel Worship Center in Gainesville, GA.
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