There was time, though many years ago, when a great deal of my self-esteem, my security, and my happiness were mainly tied to whether I had a boyfriend or "a man" at that time. As a teenager budding into a young woman, if I was in a relationship with someone that I anticipated was on the brinks of a break-up, I began to make plans and arrangements to set up something with someone new; someone to hold tight in the shadows until the other relationship had actually become a done death deal. If I did not have the knowledge or time to work on a "back up" plan before my relationship broke up, immediately following the break up, I'd be on the hunt, ready for love again, ready for a rebound relationship, ready not to be ALONE. And really, it seemed that "alone" was the bottom line of my madness. The thought of being alone and without a man, without a relationship, was a scary and miserable thought to me.
Though it is many years later and I am now a married woman, far from being alone for the rest of my life (like it or not...just joking...LOL!), I can still empathize with the women that are now in my life who may be in the same position that I was once in long ago; some of the women are single, and others are those who'd been married at one point and are no longer in matrimony. But whatever the reason of their single status, I still see that dark, vulnerable place within them...that girl that is afraid to be alone...that girl who longs to be loved and held tight...that girl that is so fearful that she may drown in "alone" that she will go to many lengths or even settle in order to avoid it...I UNDERSTAND...believe me or not, I have been there in my spirit.
But God's plan for you as a single women is not for you to strive and go to all lengths to find a man. His plan is for us to use that same energy to strive to be in a more lasting, more complete relationship with Him. He wants us to be consumed with finding Him and falling in love with Him, more than any other man on this planet! According to His Word, a single and "an unmarried woman or virgin is concerned about the Lord's affairs: Her aim is to be devoted to the Lord in both body and spirit... [1 Corinthians 7:34]. He wants you to be concerned, first and foremost, with His "kingdom and his righteousness, and then all of these things will be provided for you as well." [Matthew 6:33] God desires to be your "man". He desires to be that husband that you are searching so diligently for. He wants you to fall in love with Him, FIRST and love Him "with all your heart, all your soul, and all your strength." [Deuteronomy 6:5] Remember, Ladies, "God is a jealous God"...and if you are worshipping and serving anything else but Him (the idea of marriage and finding a mate, dating, some "man", etc...) [Exodus 20:5], He is bound to shut things down until you give Him all of your focus and attention.
Understand that God knows your pain and feels the emotions of your heart; but the Lord has a greater desire for you to build your character (to be more reflective of Christ), to refine your faith, and to grow closer to Him, more than He desires for you to NOT be alone and find a man to marry. Heck...and as He sees it and knows it, you are not alone anyhow, for he "will never leave you nor forsake you" [Hebrews 13:5]. If your heart is consumed with finding the right one, and like me (of the past), you tend to connect yourself with relationships to fill empty voids in your life, you are out of balance; and God's hopes for you is to be well-balanced and complete in Him, first. You need to "be happy with the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart [Psalm 37:4]", then.
And yes, He may allow the pain of being physically alone without a man or relationship...You may have to suffer through some trials right now. But "even though you have to suffer different kinds of trouble for a little while now. The purpose of these troubles is to test your faith as fire tests how genuine gold is. Your faith is more precious than gold, and by passing the test, it gives praise, glory, and honor to God." [1 Peter 1: 6-7] That's what He's concerned about!
So what now?...
It's time to fall in love and find YOUR MAN!
But this time, MAKE GOD YOUR MAN...let God stand in as your husband. Spend your time with Him... tell Him all your hopes and dreams...tell Him what makes you scared...let Him hold you closely in the dark of the night. Talk to Him, walk with Him...find your completeness in Him!
...and before you know it, without all YOUR efforts and out-of-balance fury...
You will find YOUR EARTHLY MAN, God's VERY BEST...the one that God's picked out
For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you,
plans to give you hope and a future.
[Jeremiah 29:11]
Mad Luv~Teri
(For me, "mad luv" is that unconditional, sincere love God has put in my heart for people; even my enemies...believe it or not.)
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