And Joshua set up at Gilgal the twelve stones they had taken out of the Jordan. He said to the Israelites, “In the future when your descendants ask their parents, ‘What do these stones mean?’ tell them, ‘Israel crossed the Jordan on dry ground.’ For the LORD your God dried up the Jordan before you until you had crossed over. The LORD your God did to the Jordan what he had done to the Red Sea when he dried it up before us until we had crossed over. [Joshua 4:20- 23]
This message is not for those who have not been weened from "milk" (1 Corin. 3:2)...
It is not for those that are still "infants" in their walk with Christ (1 Corin. 3:1)...
It is surely not for those who are passively complacent and comfy where they are...
This message IS for the BOLD & AUDACIOUS!
This IS for those who are ready to move on to diet of "solids"!!
This message IS SURELY for those who are ready to EXPERIENCE GOD'S OMNIPOTENCE in a MIGHTY WAY!!!
From the beginning, before God ever called the Sun to shine and the Moon to govern the night, God had a good plan mapped out for each of us; one that provided for us to enjoy our lives on this Earth abundantly and to the fullest (John 10:10). God's plans for us did not end with just surviving, "trying to make it through", and simply struggling. He intended for us to have a fruitful and prosperous life, and still does.
The deal is, in order for us to enjoy this life in an abundant way, it will require us to trust in God completely, to recall what He's already done in our lives, and often for us to take a HUGE step of faith into what may seem like territory that is TOO BIG for LITTLE US! And the problem is, when we shrink back from taking these steps and trusting God, we forfeit ABUNDANCE and VICTORY beyond what we could ever imagine.
If you recall David from the Bible, physically he was no one to be feared by Goliath (who was of a gigantic stature of over 9 feet). David was the youngest of 8 boys and had spent most of his days tending to sheep; he had never been trained to war, nor ever fought in any military battle. Thus far, every other Israelite soldier had run in fear whenever they saw this man; except David. What was in David that was not in the Israelite soldiers who were trained to fight? What strength did David have that no other had? What did David know that apparently no one else did?
Yes, David was young and he was no soldier! BUT what David knew that HE HAD was a POWERFUL GOD and one whom had already provided him with a great track record of victory...David had a past testimony of God's strengths and abilities. David had FAITH!

He has brought us this far by faith...Build a mental memorial of His goodness and past deliverances
Mad Luv~ Teri
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