How many nights have you stayed awake in your bed...sleep evades you...anxiety and worry overwhelm you...your mind is at work toiling over "that issue"...your belly queasy from the dance, flutter, and swirling of a troop of butterflies, destined to lead you to the bathroom...???
Oh how you long for sleep...oh how you know you will pay dearly for the lack of it in the a.m.. But this imminent and pressing, greater-than-life sized issue must be resolved, must be worked out, something, I mean something has got to give!...
And as you wrestle with your thoughts and deprive yourself from the sweet sleep your body and soul requires, the One who never sleeps or slumbers (Psalm 121:4) looks down on you with concern and whispers these words:
Sleep, Sweetie, Sleep...
Do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink, or about your body and what you will wear...
Sleep, Sweetie, Sleep...
Are you not more valuable to me than the birds in the air, whom do not sow or reap, yet I feed them still?
Sleep, Sweetie, Sleep...
for you cannot and will not add a single hour to your life by staying up and worrying...
So, Sleep, My Sweetie, Sleep.
Sleep, Sweetie, Sleep...
Do not worry about tomorrow, and what might happen and what you will do to about this issue, for tomorrow will worry about itself.
Take each day, one at a time, for each day has enough trouble of its own.
Sleep, Sweetie, Sleep...
Stop being anxious about everything!
Just open your mouth and tell me your needs, I will handle it and give you a peace to guard your precious mind; one that will far surpass your understanding.
Sleep, Sweetie, Sleep...
Lie down and sleep.
Lie down and sleep in peace, for I, your Lord, will keep you safe...
And you will wake again, because I will sustain you.
Cast all your cares on ME...I care for you and I will handle it!
And with those words, you finally realize that your insomnia is futile and that your sleep is more imperative and healing for your overall well-being. You realize that it was in vain that you'd stay up late worrying and
toiling about "that issue" and how you'd make ends meet. With His whisper, you are finally able to wrap your thoughts around the fact that your God loves you, and His gift to you is the granting of your sleep and rest. He's got this...He has it all under control!
And with this comfort...
you lie down,
you will not be afraid;
when you lie down, your sleep will be sweet.
when you lie down, your sleep will be sweet.
(Based on Scriptures: Matthew 6, Philippians 4:6-7, Psalm 3:5, Psalm 4:8, 1 Peter 5:7, Psalm 127:2, Proverbs 3:4)
You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on you: because he trusts in you.
[Isaiah 26:3]
Mad Luv~Teri