Thursday, March 31, 2011

Sleep, Sweetie, Sleep

Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not  let your heart be troubled, nor let it be fearful. [John 14:27]

How many nights have you stayed awake in your bed...sleep evades you...anxiety and worry overwhelm you...your mind is at work toiling over "that issue"...your belly queasy from the dance, flutter, and swirling of a troop of butterflies, destined to lead you to the bathroom...???

Oh how you long for sleep...oh how you know you will pay dearly for the lack of it in the a.m..  But this imminent and pressing, greater-than-life sized issue must be resolved, must be worked out, something, I mean something has got to give!...

And as you wrestle with your thoughts and deprive yourself from the sweet sleep your body and soul requires, the One who never sleeps or slumbers (Psalm 121:4) looks down on you with concern and whispers these words:

Sleep, Sweetie, Sleep...
Do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink, or about your body and what you will wear...

Sleep, Sweetie, Sleep...
Are you not more valuable to me than the birds in the air, whom do not sow or reap, yet I feed them still?

Sleep, Sweetie, Sleep...
for you cannot and will not add a single hour to your life by staying up and worrying...
So, Sleep, My Sweetie, Sleep.

Sleep, Sweetie, Sleep...
Do not worry about tomorrow, and what might happen and what you will do to about this issue, for tomorrow will worry about itself. 
Take each day, one at a time, for each day has enough trouble of its own.

Sleep, Sweetie, Sleep...
Stop being anxious about everything!
Just open your mouth and tell me your needs, I will handle it and give you a peace to guard your precious mind; one that will far surpass your understanding. 

Sleep, Sweetie, Sleep...
Lie down and sleep.
Lie down and sleep in peace, for I, your Lord, will keep you safe...
And you will wake again, because I will sustain you.

Cast all your cares on ME...I care for you and I will handle it!

And with those words, you finally realize that your insomnia is futile and that your sleep is more imperative and healing for your overall well-being.  You realize that it was in vain that you'd stay up late worrying and  
toiling about "that issue" and how you'd make ends meet.  With His whisper, you are finally able to wrap your thoughts around the fact that your God loves you, and His gift to you is the granting of your sleep and rest. He's got this...He has it all under control!

And with this comfort... 
you lie down, 
you will not be afraid; 
when you lie down, your sleep will be sweet.


(Based on Scriptures: Matthew 6, Philippians 4:6-7, Psalm 3:5, Psalm 4:8, 1 Peter 5:7, Psalm 127:2, Proverbs 3:4)

You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on you: because he trusts in you. 
[Isaiah 26:3]

Mad Luv~Teri 

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Open Your Mouth & Pray

But truly God has heard me; he has attended to the voice of my prayer.
[Psalm 66:19]

Open Your Mouth, Dear Child
By Teri L. Davis

My Dear Beloved Child,

It has been a while and you have been dearly missed.  Though I haven't heard from you in some time, I have continued to take delight in you.  I have continued to rejoice over you with singing.  My hearts longs for you.  I long to hear your voice again.  Open your mouth, Dear Child...Speak to me.

Open Your Mouth, Dear Child...
tell me your passions,
describe your greatest dreams,
what makes you smile, what makes your heart glow and skip in joy...

Open Your Mouth, Dear Child...
tell me what keeps you up throughout the long nights,
what thoughts loom above your dear head like a dark, stormy cloud...
Open Your Mouth.

Cry Out to Me, Dear Child...
tell me what you're tired of, 
tell me that you ache,
tell me that "enough is enough" & you're ready to throw in the towel...

Cry Out to Me, Dear Child...
tell me who hurt you,
who has broken your heart,
who has caused your soul to ache and your pillow to be soaked in your tears...
Open Your Mouth.

Scream Out to Me, Dear Child...
what's got you so incensed,
what's stolen your sweet peace and has you on such edge,
tell me why you're mad with me,
what resentment do you have,
Hold nothing back, Dear, nothing back...
Speak to me.

Open Your Mouth, Dear Child...
tell me how you're lost,
tell me how you're confused,
express what you cannot seem to conquer alone,
let me know how I can help you,
let me hold your hand and help show you the way through...

Open Your Mouth, Dear Child...
tell me how much you love me,
tell me how much you care,
tell me how you need me & how you could never live without me.

Open Your Mouth
         OPEN Your Mouth
                   OPEN YOUR MOUTH!!!

I long to hear YOUR VOICE again!

With Unconditional Love, 
Your Abba Father

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.  For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened." 
[Matthew 7:7-8]

God is our creator and truly knows the thoughts and desires of our heart without us even speaking a word.  But God desires and longs for a true relationship with us.  He wants us to open our mouths in prayer to Him and express all that's on our hearts; the good and the bad, holding nothing back.  Just as a mother longs to hear about her youngsters' day at school, or hopes that her teenager will continue to trust her and keep the lines of communication open, so our Abba Father in Heaven looks forward to conversing with us and keeping a close knit relationship, where we can feel comfortable sharing all and hold nothing back. 


Talk to Your Daddy in Heaven

"Now this is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us.  And if we know that He hears us, whatever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we have asked of Him." [1 John 5:14-15] 

Mad Luv~Teri

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

A "Holy IV" Connection

Jesus answered, "It is written: 'Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.'" [Matthew 4:4]

I have not departed from the commands of his lips; I have treasured the words of his mouth more than my daily bread. [Job 23:12]

Patients who cannot consume enough nutrients, are dehydrated, severely malnourished, or who cannot eat at all due to an illness, surgery, or accident, can be fed through an intravenous (IV) line or tube. This IV line is then inserted into one of the patient's peripheral veins and thus delivers fluids, medication, and/or any other nutrients (food) over time.  For some patients, this IV connection is of vital importance to his/her life as it serves as the only source of sustenance, during their hospital stay.

Just as an IV is designed to provide a constant drip or flow of vital nutrients to the patient it is connected to, we need to get connected to God's Word daily, so that we can benefit and be healed from the flow of a more powerful source of nutrients that is designed to meet, repair, and heal every spiritual and physical aliment we have.

As an IV connection can be of vital importance to a given patient, our "Holy IV" connection to God is of the most vital importance to our entire existence!  

  • A daily dosage of God's Word supplies us with joy, courage, faith, contentment, wisdom, & hope.  
  • A daily dosage of His Word provides healing for our wounded souls, as well as healing for our physical bodies as our faith and boldness is increased from our continual connection with the Word.  Our "faith will come by hearing and hearing by the word of God."  (Romans 10:17)
  • A daily connection with God's Word will order our daily steps, help us to make the most ridiculous and the most life altering decisions.  "Your word is a lamp unto my feet, a light unto my path." (Psalm 119:105)
  • The daily flow from His Word will guide us in our relationships, counsel us in our marriages, direct us in our child-rearing, and advise us in our legal issues.
  • A day-to-day flow of the Word of God, reminds us of His love, forgiveness, mercy & grace.  It reminds us of His mighty greatness and the miraculous provisions and victories He's made possible for His people.  It reminds us that He is the same yesterday, today, and forever; what He has done for one of us, He will and can do for us all!

So, I really don't care how independent we think we are, or how holy we think we are, or how much of a "strong black woman" some of you may think you are!!!...Just as a newborn baby's life and sustenance is fully dependent on that connection with his/her mother for the supply of its daily milk, so our ability to have full wellness and an abundance of life is dependent on how well connected we are daily with our "Holy IV"...God and His Word!  If we are seeking the most optimal level of success and strength from day-to-day, we cannot neglect to be fed and connected to His Word each day, to keep that flow steady, and thus keep ourselves well-nourished.

Do you go a day without eating a meal?  
So why go a day without feeding on His Word???


"As newborn babes, desire the pure milk of the word, that you may grow thereby"
 (1 Peter 2:2)

Mad Luv~Teri

Monday, March 28, 2011

For the Bold & Audacious Only: No "Milk" Drinkers Allowed

David said to Saul, “Let no one lose heart on account of this Philistine; your servant will go and fight him.”...David said to the Philistine, “You come against me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the LORD Almighty, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied.  This day the LORD will deliver you into my hands, and I’ll strike you down and cut off your head."... All those gathered here will know that it is not by sword or spear that the LORD saves; for the battle is the LORD’s, and he will give all of you into our hands.” [1 Samuel 17: 32 & 45-47]  

And Joshua set up at Gilgal the twelve stones they had taken out of the Jordan.  He said to the Israelites, “In the future when your descendants ask their parents, ‘What do these stones mean?’  tell them, ‘Israel crossed the Jordan on dry ground.’  For the LORD your God dried up the Jordan before you until you had crossed over. The LORD your God did to the Jordan what he had done to the Red Sea when he dried it up before us until we had crossed over. [Joshua 4:20- 23]

This message is not for those who have not been weened from "milk" (1 Corin. 3:2)...
It is not for those that are still "infants" in their walk with Christ (1 Corin. 3:1)...
It is surely not for those who are passively complacent and comfy where they are...

This message IS for the BOLD & AUDACIOUS!
This IS for those who are ready to move on to diet of "solids"!!
This message IS SURELY for those who are ready to EXPERIENCE GOD'S OMNIPOTENCE in a MIGHTY WAY!!!

From the beginning, before God ever called the Sun to shine and the Moon to govern the night, God had a good plan mapped out for each of us; one that provided for us to enjoy our lives on this Earth abundantly and to the fullest (John 10:10).  God's plans for us did not end with just surviving, "trying to make it through", and simply struggling.  He intended for us to have a fruitful and prosperous life, and still does.

The deal is, in order for us to enjoy this life in an abundant way, it will require us to trust in God completely, to recall what He's already done in our lives, and often for us to take a HUGE step of faith into what may seem like territory that is TOO BIG for LITTLE US!  And the problem is, when we shrink back from taking these steps and trusting God, we forfeit ABUNDANCE and VICTORY beyond what we could ever imagine.

If you recall David from the Bible, physically he was no one to be feared by Goliath (who was of a gigantic stature of over 9 feet).  David was the youngest of 8 boys and had spent most of his days tending to sheep; he had never been trained to war, nor ever fought in any military battle.  Thus far, every other Israelite soldier had run in fear whenever they saw this man; except David.  What was in David that was not in the Israelite soldiers who were trained to fight?  What strength did David have that no other had?  What did David know that apparently no one else did?

Yes, David was young and he was no soldier! BUT what David knew that HE HAD was a POWERFUL GOD and one whom had already provided him with a great track record of victory...David had a past testimony of God's strengths and abilities. David had FAITH!

David wasn't crazy...He in no way considered his own size, strength, abilities, or resources!!!  INSTEAD recalled how his God has rescued him from the paw of the his God had rescued him from the paw of the his God had given him the ability to slay both that lion and that bear...SO SURELY, his God would "rescue (him) from the hand of this Philistine", Goliath!  David pulled faith and strength out of his remembrance of what God had done for him in the past.  And though conquering Goliath may presented itself as a grander feat, David felt confident that if God has done it for him before, HE COULD and WOULD DO IT FOR HIM AGAIN!

If we are seeking to live an exciting and enjoyable life of victories and abundance, we are going to have to be bolder and more audacious in Christ as small, young David was.  We will have to build "memorials" in our minds to remind of the miraculous that God has already done in our lives, or even in that of others around us, in order to propel us to take a huge step out in faith and "run quickly before the battle line" to meet our Goliaths.  We will have to look ahead at what seems like a GIGANTIC threat and/or obstacle before "little", incapable, unskilled us, and be bold and audacious enough to look past ourselves, see our God who is GREATER and SURELY ABLE, and then "sign-up" to take down that giant thing!  We will only begin to see victory after victory, and miracle after miracle when we trust that our God is POWERFUL, ABLE, and FAITHFUL to do it AGAIN...and we then step out with our "sling-shots", "in the name of the LORD Almighty, the God of the armies of Israel" knowing that He will conquer the battle FOR US!

He has brought us this far by faith...Build a mental memorial of His goodness and past deliverances


Mad Luv~ Teri

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Our Love...It CAN Stand the Tests of Time

"Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance. Love never fails..."  [1Corinthians 13:7-8]

"A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer. Three are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken." [Ecclesiastes 4:12]

Any of us who've been married for awhile understand that the covenant that we made before God on our wedding day is the biggest commitment we've ever made. Love is wonderful, however, there are so many other factors and nuances that affect your relationship, that it truly takes a relationship with God to make it "til death do you part". After 12 1/2 years of marriage myself, God is teaching me the art of completely sacrificing self for the benefit of my marriage--IT IS NOT EASY! Here is a poem that I wrote to my husband this past Valentine's Day. Please be blessed by it and know that when God is involved (even if through the relationship and prayers of just one of the spouses) it IS POSSIBLE to weather the tides and storms of marriage...NOTHING WILL BE IMPOSSIBLE!

Our Love
I met you 18 years ago,
At first sight I didn’t know,
That God had a plan for our lives,
to be a testimony to help others thrive,
on this marital roller coaster ride.

The enemy has another plan,
He imparted it and we fell into his hands.
It happened six years ago,
The damage has festered long and slow.
Now we have to remember who’s in charge,
To give Him glory every day to enlarge,
His image in our very fragile hearts,
To ignore the fiery darts,
Sent daily to hone in on the pain,
And add to the hopeless disdain.
We can choose to make our love work,
Though not easy, it will make us fork
Over our helplessness to the One and Only above,
To demonstrate to us how to love,
In spite of our inner fears,
He can add many fruitful years,
To our legacy for our beautiful children,
And continue right now in building,
A life together that no man can put asunder,
To make everyone else wonder,
How we  performed this remarkable feat,
Overcame obstacles and beat,
the enemy in his lackluster game,
stayed together and put him to shame.
For God to get all the glory,
We must share our wonderful story,
But it must begin by making a choice,
To show “agape love” and to rejoice,
In the blessings of having a lifelong partner,
To love, to trust, to respect and to honor.

Happy Valentine’s Day, my love!

By Sheree Jones
Your “Boo-boo kitty”
February 14, 2011 

Keep God in your marriage 
for that "triple-braided cord
consisting of you, your husband & God,



Love...Laugh...Live...Life is short~ Sheree

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Lord, My Back’s Up Against the Wall (the Sea)!!!

"He ransoms me unharmed from the battle waged against me, even though many oppose me." 
[Psalm 55:18]

(Written May 2009, but still relevant)

In these current times, the dismal and deficient state of America’s economy, has affected the livelihood of almost every American citizen in some shape, form, or fashion. Numerous fellow American’s are facing unemployment, foreclosure, repossessions, bankruptcy, homelessness, divorce and untimely death (the latter two both being unfortunate bi-products of these financial strains and losses), and other tragic circumstances, like never before. And even more unfortunate, it is a time when it is not uncommon for some individuals to be experiencing a myriad of these ill-situations, all at once. 

If one could figuratively portray the affects that these circumstances have on an individual, it could be compared to someone feeling that his/her back is up against the wall of life with no means of escape. Or it could even be compared to a small army of 300 or so headed out to war against their adversary, looking up to view a fierce militia of 300,000 marching towards them. I have personally experienced some of these feelings of being trapped and hopeless, as I am sure others have as well.

Let me paint a common scene for you: 

...the phone rings off the hook each day from 800 extensions, of creditors and collectors of unpaid balances and late payments due...

...the mailbox is daily filled with intimidating letters and final notices threatening credit reporting, repossessions, and at worse, foreclosure... 

...the knocks on your front door from the mailman awaiting your signature for the certified letter that brings “great tidings” of lawsuits, divorce filings or more...

...the thick, knife-cutting stress and tension between two spouses as a result of the financial strain on the household...

...the bank/ investment institution statements that show the money your investments have lost or the near-empty account balances…

I could continue to paint this American portrait, but are you relating already? The weight of the world feels like it is on your shoulders. You feel defeated even when you’re giving it your best because it seems that “little you” does not have the ability to overcome all of the stressful circumstances that are up against you. This is your moment of feeling “up against a wall”: your troubles, debts, and responsibilities outnumber and outweigh your human capabilities. And then you wonder, “Where are you, God? Did you actually bring me this far to leave me ‘here’, up against this wall?” 

With this despair, I am reminded of another group of people who shared in common ill-circumstances that brought on fear, anxiety, and feeling of hopelessness, however, they were not Americans, not of our time, and did not actually have their “backs up against” a figurative wall. No, it was the Israelites, who had just been freed from slavery, and more dramatically and literally had their backs up against the Red Sea. Much in the way we are currently being pursued daily by creditors, banks, lawyers, and bad news, so the Israelites were being pursued by Pharaoh’s horses, horseman, and chariots, while they were on foot. Compared to their party of roughly 600,000 “men” on foot, Pharaoh’s army pursued them with anger and a vengeance, and the speed of horses and chariots to accompany them. And as we are feeling now in our circumstances, when the Israelites realized that their backs where against the Red Sea and the Egyptians were forging towards them, they instinctively felt trapped and afraid, and cried out to the Lord. The sight of the enemy heading towards them at full speed, led their imagination to thoughts of their soon coming deaths. Some were even baffled to wonder why their God would go so far as to deliver them from the bondage of Egypt, just to let them be recaptured or die. They complained to Moses, "Why did you bring us to the desert to die? Weren't there any graves in Egypt? What have you done to us by bringing us out of Egypt? We told you in Egypt 'Leave us alone. Let us serve the Egyptians.' It would have been better for us to serve the Egyptians than to die here in the desert!" 

But, PRAISE BE TO GOD, “the angel of God had been traveling in front of Israel's army” and “he moved back and went behind them. The pillar of cloud also moved away from in front of them. Now it stood behind them. It came between the armies of Egypt and Israel.” This pillar of cloud served as a protection for the Israelites against their enemy. And then the MIRACULOUS happened when “Moses reached his hand out over the Red Sea. All that night the Lord pushed the sea back with a strong east wind. He turned the sea into dry land. The waters were parted. The people of Israel went through the sea on dry ground.” 

God saved His people who had been seemingly backed up against the sea, overwhelmed, and hopeless with their circumstances, JUST IN THE NICK OF TIME! And not only was He so awesome to part the sea for them, He went so far that He even sent the enemy into the dry path to pursue the Israelites and then allowed “the water (to) flow back and cover the chariots and horsemen. It covered the entire army of Pharaoh that had followed the people of Israel into the sea. Not one of the Egyptians was left.” The Lord did not just deliver them from the enemy and forces against them, HE ABSOLUTELY ELIMINATED THE ENEMY! 

With that said, I am so very happy that our “God is no respecter of persons” and He does not show favoritism, so what He does for one, He will do for another. Even more relieving is that because He is the same today, yesterday, and forever, He can and will deliver us from “the sea” that our backs are up against and “the army” that is pursuing us from the front, in these current times. He wants us to know that “He ransoms (us) and keeps (us) safe from the battle waged against (us), though many still oppose (us)”. So as we look at the pile up of mail, press the answering machine to hear the numerous messages, go on-line to check our bank balances, and feel like is it all too much for us to humanly handle, remember as Moses told the people, “Don’t be afraid. Just stand still and watch the LORD rescue you today. The Egyptians you see today will never be seen again. The LORD himself will fight for you. Just stay calm.” 

Praise be to God who gives us victory through Jesus Christ! 

Be Blessed!

Further Reading: Exodus 14, Acts 10:34

Mad Luv~ Teri 

Friday, March 25, 2011

"The Bucket List"

"Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom." 
[Psalm 90:12]

If any of you have seen this great movie with Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman, it is about two men who meet in the hospital with terminal illnesses that decide to make a list of things that they'd like to do before they "kick the bucket".  It's a familiar thing to suddenly want to do things in our lives once we know that our time is being cut short; one remarkably has a fervor for life and learns to savor each and every day and live each one to the fullest. The question becomes: Why wait until we know the end is coming to do the things we've always wanted to do?  Why wait o finally pursue the dreams that have been buried for years in our hearts? Why wait to complete tasks that will bring joy to us in our last days and give us a sense of purpose?

Here are some examples:
1. I've always wanted to start my own business and coach other budding entrepreneurs to do the same.
2. I want to be a better role model for my kids-demonstrate a Christ-like character every day.
3. I'd love to sit in and maybe even participate in a meeting in Congress to be heard on topics that affect my community.
4. I'd love to move my mother who is institutionalized in a mental hospital to Maryland.
5. I'd love to go on a trip to the Caribbean with 5 of my closest girlfriends.
6. I'd love to go skydiving, jetskiing, and horseback riding at least once per month.
7. I'd love to help disadvantaged foster children and motivate them to their full potential. 
8. I'd love to compete on a televised game show.
9. I'd love to get my father saved.
10. I'd love to have my "light" shine so brightly for God that I bring others to Christ.

These are just a few things that come to mind....what are some of the things you'd like to do? Why wait? Unfortunately, most of us have no idea of when our time on this Earth will be up. Tomorrow is not promised.

Anyone who knows me well knows that one of my favorite sayings is "Life is too short" for this and that.  In other words, why waste time with drama and "sweating the small stuff"  instead of making each day meaningful? While we are waiting for our prayers to be answered, why not be an answer to someone else's prayer and give ourselves to serve someone less fortunate? Once we stop hyper-focusing on our own needs and work to serve others while we wait for our own blessings, we can look at ourselves in the mirror at the end of the day or week and know that we've made a difference in someone's life- we gain a sense of purpose!

Here is a summation of an interview with Rick Warren, the author of "The Purpose Driven Life" as adapted from a writer on

"People ask me, what is the purpose of life? And I respond: In a nutshell, life is preparation for eternity. We were made to last forever, and God wants us to be with Him in Heaven. One day my heart is going to stop, and that will be the end of my body-- but not the end of me. I may live 60 to 100 years on earth, but I am going to spend trillions of years in eternity. This is the warm-up act - the dress rehearsal. We were made by God and for God, and until you figure that out, life isn't going to make sense. God is more interested in your character than your comfort. God is more interested in making your life holy than He is in making your life happy. We can be reasonably happy here on earth, but that's not the goal of life. The goal is to grow in character, in Christ likeness. We need to ask ourselves: Am I going to live for possessions? Popularity? Am I going to be driven by Materialism? Or am I going to be driven by God's purposes for my life?"

Let's stop wasting time, our most precious commodity, and make each day count. You can ask yourself daily, "If today was my last day on Earth, what would I do differently?"

"Show me, oh Lord, my life's end and the number of my days; let me know how fleeting is my life. You have made my days a mere handbreadth; the span of my years is nothing before you. Each man's life is but a breath."  [Psalm 39:4-5]

Love...Laugh...Live...Life is short~ Sheree