Thursday, April 21, 2011

But...Joy Comes in th Morning!

Weeping may last through the night, but joy comes with the morning.
[Psalm 30:5]

How many nights have you cried so much about a heavy burden, a "wide-open" infected soul wound, the stressors of your day, the monstrous challenges of your tomorrow...feeling as though you have come to the end of your rope, enough has been more than enough, and you can NO LONGER bare tomorrow...  Your eyes are beyond puffy, your tears have soaked your pillow and ran down to your ears, or your make-shift Kleenex, your shirt, is decorated in streaks of black and whatever other shade or hue that enhanced the beauty of your eyes that day...Have you been there? 

I cried out to God for help;
I cried out to God to hear me.
When I was in distress, I sought the Lord;
at night I stretched out untiring hands
and my soul refused to be comforted.
I remembered you, O God, and I groaned;
I mused, and my spirit grew faint.  
[Psalm 77:1-3]

I am sure that I am not alone in the fact that "I've been there."  The good news is that just as sure as there is a night, there must also be a day; and just as sure as there is a winter season in our year, we will also see a spring, summer, and fall come to pass!

Because we live in a fallen world, unfortunately there will be no complete escape for us from hurt and times of trouble.  There will be nights that seem as though they last forever, and our tears will flow without ceasing.  And honestly, there will be "night"/winter seasons in our lives that will feel alone and cold.  But I promise you, with the grander, perfectly credible, and non-fallible word and promise from our loving heavenly Father,

"weeping may endure for a day, but joy comes in the morning"
~Psalm 30:5

Dear Heart, because we have a Father and Lord that is seated on a throne, high and exalted (Isaiah 6:1), we have HOPE and the ASSURANCE that our nights will turn to brighter and more joyful days, and the dark  seasons of our lives with turn into Springs, providing new life and restoration to that which has been desolate and almost dead for us. 

The key is, our FAITH and TRUST in a Father who can NEVER truly disappoint us and will always come through on His promises to us.  We must let go, surrender our trust to Him, and rest, awaiting the new sunrise of the morning.

Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in you. Show me the way I should go, for to you I lift up my soul. ~Psalm 143:8

Try something NEW tonight, TRUST Him!  You can read this and think, "Sounds nice, Teri, but it just won't work for me."  I told you that I have BEEN THERE, and I HAVE...but the key to my joy, the key to seeing my mornings arise,  was the surrender of trust and faith in God.

So try something uncomfortable...try something new to your soul...try this, because what the heck else are you doing that's working so well for you???

Rest well in Him tonight, dear friend, and let your


I could not see for the tears
Flowing down my face
As I thought of His unfailing love
What amazing grace.
I wept for Him but a moment
And then my tears were dry
For joy came in the morning
When my Saviour heard my cry.

Joy came in the morning
When the Saviour heard my cry
Weeping endureth but for a moment
Now I live with Him inside.
I'll tell the world this is not secret
But let this truth be known
Joy comes in the morning
With Jesus on the throne.

I've found true satisfaction
He's everything I need
He is my Bread, my Water
My Living Head indeed
The paths of sin are weary
Now step into the Light
Trust in this sinners' Saviour
Find in Him new life.

Copyright Gary James Smith

Mad Luv~Teri

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