Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. [Hebrews 11:1]
Reason is defined by Wikipidia as: to think, understand and form judgement by a process of logic.
One of the most challenging things to do in our Christian walk is to have faith in our situations that God has everything under control. Anyone who is a logical thinker knows that having faith is the exact opposite of using reason to form our opinion on what will take place or happen in our lives. We pray for God's will in a situation because we know deep down in our hearts that He knows what's best for us, however, the toughest part is to trust in God's promise or answer to our prayer. Even when we don't see things coming to fruition, we need to remember that God is faithful because the word says "Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for He who promised is faithful." [Hebrews 10:23] We also need to realize that "without faith it is impossible to please God.." [Hebrews 11:6].
Here is an excerpt from a devotional out of my Women's devotional bible that I actually posted on my refrigerator as a reminder of having to change my mindset in order to trust God. I hope it blesses you as well.
Faith and Reason have been compared to two travelers. Think of Faith as a woman who can walk 20 or 30 miles at a time without flagging, while Reason is a child who can only muster the strength to go two or three miles. One day Reason said to Faith, "Oh, Faith let me walk with you." But Faith replied, "Oh, Reason, you can never walk with me!" Nevertheless, they set out together. When they came to a deep river, Reason said "I can never ford this", but Faith waded through it, singing. When they reached a high mountain, Reason despaired, but Faith carried Reason on her back.
Oh how dependent upon Faith is Reason!
In order to develop the tenacious faith that we need to persevere in these times we need to proactively pick up our bibles to read the many amazing instances of God fulfilling His promises in the most extreme circumstances. Knowing that God is not a respecter of persons lets us be assured that He would not do for Abraham, Noah, or the Israelites what He would not do for us today. I recommend for anyone who is looking to deepen their faith in God continue to pray and meditate on the entire chapter of Hebrews 12. It won't happen overnight, but as you learn more and more about the faithful, awesome God that we serve, you will begin to see that you can trust Him with more and more. As He shows you and comes through in one area, you can release another area of your life to Him, and watch God work! Finally, instead of focusing on what's visible and in our logical minds as possible, we learn that "Nothing is impossible with God". [Luke 1:37]
Love...laugh...live...life is short...Sheree
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