Monday, May 2, 2011

Want Abundance, Plenty, Peace, & Joy? Wait No More...

The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly
~John 10:10

So what are YOU waiting on?

If Jesus came to give us the gift of abundant life, then what are you still waiting on?

According to the Merriam-Webster's dictionary, the word "abundant" is marked by great plenty and ample supply.  So then, Christ came to this earth to lay His life down on the cross for us, and provide us with a life that is full of plenty and amply supplied, and you are still tarrying on making the most vital decision of your life?

What are you waiting for?

  • Are you waiting to get a little older?...
  • Are you waiting to sow all your oats first and have a bit more fun?...
  • Are you waiting for Christians to act more Christ-like and give you inspiration?...
  • Are you waiting to work on yourself a little more first and come to Christ "more holier"?...
  • Are you waiting to be invited to church?...
  • Are you waiting not to be so fearful to walk out of your aisle and down to the alter, while everyone eyes are glued on you and the fact that you are actually going up there?...
  • Are you waiting for your close friends to do it first so you won't feel ostracised and like you don't fit in with the crowd any more, by stepping out on your own and doing it first?...
  • Are you waiting on tomorrow?...
What are you waiting for, for real?!!!

Folks, we do not know what the future holds.  We can stand in faith and be "prisoners of hope" [Zechariah 9:12] (as God desires for us), however, we still do not know what may happen tomorrow.  We may be here one day and gone tomorrow.

Imagine the poor individuals that lost their lives in the recent tornadoes.  Do you believe that they were able to anticipate they would lose their lives that very day?  It is very possible that some of the victims even lost their lives without having the opportunity to give their lives to Christ. 

When Christ arose on the third day and reappeared to His disciples, He charged them to, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.  Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned" [Mark 16: 15-16].  So in other words, "if you confess with your mouth, 'Jesus is Lord,' and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved" [Romans 10:9] and promised eternal life with Him in Heaven; conversely, if you do not believe, you will be pronounced guilty, sentenced, and doomed to an eternity in Hell.  

I would love to make this easier to go down and more palatable for you, but God's Word is pretty much "cut and dry" and to the point on this matter.  We have two choices for our lives: serve God or serve the devil...And we have two choices for our eternity: Heaven or Hell.  

But if serving the LORD seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve... ~Joshua 24:15

No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other... ~Luke 16:20

...don’t you know that friendship with the world means enmity against God? Therefore, anyone who chooses to be a friend of the world becomes an enemy of God. ~James 4:4

So what are you going to do today?  What are you still waiting on now?

Jesus is not caught up with us "getting right" BEFORE we surrender and come to Him.  He "came to seek and to save the lost" [Luke 19:10], not those who were already righteous and had it all together.  He knows that you are still chasing after fun and still doing a little bit of this and that.  And He can work with that (see Philippians 1:6). But let me ask you, is all of that fun and a little of this and that really fulfilling your life?  Are you free from stress, anxiety, fear, insecurities?  Are you living an abundant life without Him in your life?

So tell me, what have you really got to lose by giving your life to Christ and making Him your Lord?

Afraid that life will have to cease, become boring and the fun would now longer exist?
POPPYCOCK (senseless chatter and nonsense)!!!
When you give your life to Christ and TRULY stay connected to Him (He is the vine and you are the branches~ John 15:5), then you will experience life in an abundant measure with overflowing peace, joy, completeness, confidence, health, prosperity, and much eternity in Heaven!

I pray that you will thoughtfully and very seriously consider this life altering message to you today!  If you do not want to wait another day and wish to give your life to Christ, please go to this   link and pray the prayer of salvation. If you are already a believer of Christ and have been saved, please be a blessing and help to save the lives of those close to you by sharing today's message with them.

I have MAD LUV and concern for your well-being and future!  I pray you make A CHOICE today?

What are you waiting on?


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